What does a 'vibe' feel like to you? Well, today for me it was palpable, a feeling I could not deny some time to explore. The World Cup saw a final between England v Spain, the 'vibe' beamed from the experience as in play were the women's teams, and while I have a history playing football myself: I noticed that it's not just the vibe that triggers the literal want to become a footballer, it's something beyond that.
I'm curious whether others felt it/are feeling it too? Maybe it's because I'm in the zone of something very special in my own journey and it kept a momentum of sorts but, there was also another element that I couldn't sit, I had to kneel or stand ready to support them every step of the way. My kids saw me incredibly vocal in a supportive way 'you've got this' 'stand strong' 'epic' 'definitely woman of the match!' I felt focused, uplifted, aware of the bigger energy out there. A part of something bigger, and with global connection. That's it! That's why writing is my therapy as it works things out as I type; to feel connected to the world is what I seek and is one of my top values that aligns to all I do.
Connection is such a powerful 'thing'; human connection, nature connection, global connection, knowing that there is something greater out there and that we are connected not disconnected, we are united, not broken, there is hope, not doubt, there is belief not disbelief. These are all perfect examples of flipping something into a positive. We will see the players in days, weeks, months, and years to come grow from today's experience but for now they need to sit, digest, reflect, replay, learn from, grow from each match in the whole tournament. These processes need space and kindness to take place, nobody wanted to win more than those players but the loss will hit hard. I call for kindness as I would in any situation as each of us grow from experiences. I was walking out in nature recently as part of the vibe as I knew I needed to move more and the football matches were increasing the motivation in me as did my upcoming season as a football coach and by exercising I was also connecting with nature. It fascinates me how at first I feel a little numb to the experience as my head got me to start while the body was still sluggish, colours are muted, I'm conscious of every step, looking down. The longer I free my body I look up, around, I breathe it in. The colours brighten and what I see becomes sharper and more defined and in focus. I hear the birds, see the sheep, the butterflies. I pause to smell the roses, pick the blackberries and accept the manure-aroma of my surroundings! As the days pass I feel the body strengthen, and my mind and body start to connect with each other - they are both motivated! Then the next match would be played in the World Cup, and the vibe would expand all of it. Of course we all know that motivation can have peaks and troughs and we hope it will remain as after all it feels good, why wouldn't we?
That readiness to support the female footballers while I was on my knees or on my feet was one of 'I've got your back' 'I'm willing you to do well' 'soak up the experience, you will grow from it'. It's how we need to show up for ourselves and others. When you feel others supporting you, believing in you, willing you to do well, recognising your strengths; it feels good right? But, there's danger here of people-pleasing. Those players have to ground themselves from the expectations their manager, coaches, team, the country, the world have on them. The England team Captain Millie Bright, and Alessia Russo said that they just focus on one match at a time. This provides a structure to something so big that could be so overwhelming, pair it back and provide yourself with one step at a time that is good advice in and of itself.
In my 20's and 30's I kept myself so busy, head down getting things done and all it truly led to was burnout, Pneumonia, and an Asthma flare-up. In my 40's I became slow not sluggish, focused not distracted, steady not rushed, and above all I stayed true to my resolution to do things differently, not just for the sake of being different but by approaching things differently I learned from everything whether right or wrong, a success or a failure.
My gratitude to the women that played football in this World Cup, for showing us how to show up! Let's keep the 'vibe' going, supporting each other and believing things are always possible, your dreams can come true.
NB: Just in case you're curious my nominee for 'Woman Of The Match' for England at the World Cup 2023 is Jess Carter - reliable, focused, and unrelenting! She brought the vibe!