I often wonder if cave people ever got a bit run down being chased by sabre toothed tigers? The vision I have is of a race of people who were resilient, strong and who are supported by nature (apart from the running away!)
Our differing time and race has evolved into a world where we allow energy to become sapped from those cells (Mitochondria Cells). I have reached that point in my life where I know my boundaries, I know better about when to stop, pause, step away, and save it till tomorrow. How do I know this you may ask well sadly I didn't listen when I witnessed client after client, friend after friend burning out and I would step in to help restore them. No, I waited till it happened to me.
Why do we push and push until we can't - are we just natural challengers, thrill seekers or do we simply take advantage of ourselves and push our capacity to a point where we don't know where it starts and ends. With burnout comes an unknowing, we forget ourselves, lose ourselves, forget what we are about and end up following all who went before us.
I only wonder about the fast life now because I am slow, naturally slower, and I taught myself too 'be' at this pace. Why, because it's powerful, it's profound, it's enriching and you come to know your values like a fine-tuned piano. I didn't get here on my own I listened to books on audible, interviews on podcasts, and I'd meditate deep within to a place that is my heart to make choices, and a point of wisdom at my pelvis (a motherly point after 3 children and 2 miscarriages passed through here). I'd surround myself with people who wanted to speak their truth and those who just needed to receive love and kindness. It was in every one of these corners that I discovered the secret path to joy, fulfilment and my personal favourite - freedom! I found power, truth, and vision in going slow. I mindfully choose my next steps. I breathe between tasks.
I think it's important for me to share something else and that is that the power hasn't resulted in some grand project despite most of my adult life spent feeling like I should be doing more. It's resulted in peace, being at ease with who I am, more patient with myself, even kinder to myself, and most of all outside opinions of me don't affect me in the same way. I don't allow myself to feel small just because I'm quiet and slow in a meeting. I paused a moment to re-read what I wrote because it made me smile. I type passionately, dancing on the keyboard in a moment of flow but I can still pause to smile. The smile comes forward upon my face as I recall my career journey - a beauty therapist who didn't paint her nails or wear make up much, the unglamorous therapist who cared for people as though she was the nurse she wanted to become. As I type I'm in a sales role yet I don't live for money. I live for growth, learning, development, bringing visions alive, and looking out for people's wellness. I'm not what people expect in my career and I've come to learn that it's okay to bring your true self forward. As I edit this piece of text, reconnecting to the words I had that day I have now stepped out of that sales role, to be free in my job. My job to be Mother, my job to read more, listen more, and my job to write and speak prolifically!
So while most of us get to 40-something and try to find work-life balance be open to the surprises of seeking and needing peace with who you are. To find out means slowing things down, and pausing to reflect. In return listen to your body, feel the impact it has when you slow things down and then be mindful, notice what your body is responding positively to and what it is not. Don't work to become ill, worn out, exhausted, burned out and of low mood. Work to find joy, fulfilment, find your strengths and most of all your cave person capacity.
Audio Version: 4 mins 33 secs https://open.spotify.com/episode/2k0Yuw7H7zAv42wb7LVqgj?si=U6kRlxLMRRuVngKAm7qomw
