Tiny habits like this will fit self care seamlessly into your day because your enhancing what you already do. I appreciate your not all tea drinkers but whether it's coffee, water, juice or tea take the time to tune in with the guide below.
Boil the kettle, run cold water silently express gratitude for having access to water
Choose your favourite cup, mug or glass, acknowledge what you like about it
For tea; pour hot water in your mug, select a tea based on how you feel, unwrap it and place in the water. Watch the herbs release scent and colour
For coffee; place granules in the cup or coffee beans in the grinder, acknowledge why you choose that coffee, combine with water, add milk, honey or sugar if you have it, observe every step - colour and aroma
For juice; notice your squash to water ratio to create the perfect blend for you or select the juice right for you in that moment take in it's vibrancy of colour and its fruity tone
For water; select your temperature chilled, room temperature or warm, take in it's colour, it's purity and neutral smell
Take hold of your cup, mug or glass and hug it, accept it's warmth or coolness
Take in a deeper sniff, engaging a deeper breath and take in how it makes you feel, acknowledge where the source of the ingredients are from, smile and say thank you
Reach in for a sip, hold it in your mouth for a moment to really taste it and appreciate its hydration
Start to notice the sounds around you, invite them in, take in your surroundings and connect with what day and time it is
This technique before you know it takes 2-3 minutes, yet you've slowed down, you're grounded, breathing is deeper and slower and you're re-energised for the next part of your day, enjoy!
