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Audit more than just your work and home life

Writer's picture: ClaireWellbeingClaireWellbeing

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

At a time in life where human connection is being brought to the forefront but yet part of the world is in an official lockdown from a pandemic that’s been flowing through our life for sometime now, some of the world is set free of restrictions, and some of us well, we’ve made up our own minds to step back from parts of our life for safety, health and emotional wellbeing. Wherever you are at have you ever thought about auditing your environment in all sections? Just tuning into aspects of your whole, the things that feed into who you are yes, of course home and work is on the list but be sure to dip into The World, what you feed your intellectual mind with, your social exposure, your physical aspirations and your inner spiritual world - your core, it all counts! In truth if you miss parts out something will always feel like it’s missing.

I crave diversity and all I could see in my friendship circle was a whole load of people from one location but yet I’d travelled, I’d had experiences outside of the circle but did I not nurture them, or did I just compartmentalise them or were they just for then and not now. I reached out to a colleague from a previous workplace someone whom I used to love hearing from, their perspectives not only from a Scottish perspective but when from their shared life experiences I was just so engaged. The same has happened since joining an incredible course RISING with Cathy Burke I have been connected with women from different parts of Australia, Japan and the USA - I feel enriched and respectful of being able to connect in our time zones and seasons. It's also wonderful to see our similarities and differences, and support each others journey too. Cathy inspired this very piece of writing where I am sharing my personal takeaways, reflections and thoughts.

I’m going to share my audit as it may impart some thoughts for you. I’ll take it from the top with two obvious areas of our worlds we should first audit and as with everything when you deepen the process into other parts of you, you discover so much more.

Audit for the home

I put two things initially the word ‘cluttered’ and anyone who has followed the work of Ben Fogle and his sensational journeys to those living ‘off grid’ who show you that life can be lived in so many different ways and decluttering, pairing back and simplifying what you have is the first step. The second note under home was the lack of a clear video space - determined by the sun, the clutter of course and however many people might be home that day. I have different requirements for all the videos I do and so a neutral space is a dream to make it what I need. I put this under home as my videos are not always work related oftentimes personal topics I have covered from grief to self care for my community.

Audit for the work space

An obvious audit may immediately be the work thing well this is fresh for me as I recently changed my environment after a long and tricky journey. I stepped out of a terrible appraisal into a job interview and despite bringing passion and energy into both only one responded positively and that was in the interview. One of the things I struggled with was that I’d stepped out of a business doing all the right moves for the planet in terms of sustainability to one who is on the early part of that journey and its been really eye opening and there’s a chance I can help too. To work at home or get on the road and meet face to face when needing to be both efficient and effective this is a big one on my work audit in addition to being on a short contract for the first time in my life and being open to my next move.

There’s five more steps that we often leave parked in some safe compartment, a private place in our brains where our limbic system remembers all too well as the aromas of a spiritual practice beam me back there (a focused Holy Basil perhaps or a breath enhancing inhalation of Frankincense another).

When did I last really sweat it out and hit the ‘burn’ button? It’s been a while so this may take my limbic system a while to recollect. What aroma can I align to the social part of my life, these days usually a cup of tea! Intellectually, it’s got to be the smell of a book I love it! Lastly how does the world smell to me, what memories do I have of feeling connected to my community, was it the incense in Malaysia, the aroma of a backpackers hostel or the candle I light each time I connect with my community on the RISING course with Cathy.

Audit my spiritual space

Let me dip into an audit of my spiritual world, it’s one I have explored personally over the last 2 1/2 years yet it came to a bit of a breadcrumb when I didn’t know how to deepen my practice and in turn stopped for long periods of time yet here I am nurturing one of my spiritual practices - writing and wow it feels good!

Audit my physical self

As I switch to my physical practice where I crave to feed my entire family and guests with 100% Organic food, home cooked recipes not thrown together nutrition where there is always something green on the plate and yup finally I’ve put on weight something I have staved off for some time but it’s crept on so I want to tackle it.

Audit my social self

I mentioned social earlier and when I look across and audit this sector of my life I desperately needed to ignite the diversity of who I spend time with and the escapism I seek in an episode on Netflix when I’m trying to switch off.

Audit my intellectual self

Intellectually, now this is an area I may not have considered so clearly and openly but it’s so so important, auditing what comes into my brain. Actually on the most part I am always expanding here and in fact is where most of my diversity comes in but the topics are not as diverse as they could be as I always opt for business coaching, mindsets and people’s stories - where could I take this to, a few study moments came up for me here.

Audit my world

Last but not least is The World, our beautiful planet that stops me in my tracks often. I have this vision of being able to keep the conversation going with a diverse group of women and keep the topic of wellbeing threaded through it and is at the forefront of my world exposure.

An ever-evolving audit needs to be met with often, enjoy tapping into these extra parts of you.



Ready to go bespoke?
If you have a business idea, and would like to create a scent for it and bring it alive to your client's senses OR you would like to create a signature scent to diffuse in your place of work to create a lasting memory OR you are a Therapist who would like to create bespoke oils to use in your practice then reach out to Claire

To show that by prioritising self-care, unlocking a conversation on the topic through the senses we can pave the way towards BEtter health, BEtter learning engagement, BEtter futures, BEtter happiness, BEtter communication, BEtter self-acceptance, BEtter belief in self, and BEtter resilience and regulation of how we feel.

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