She floated up to greet me in the birthing pool
I immediately was given love as a tool
A love I'd never ever known before
But something I would go onto explore
Each moment in her presence brings me all the emotions
But the overriding heartfelt love swells in me like many oceans
I could never have predicted the journey we'd go on
What she would witness and experience so young
My heart washed every hard and sad moment with love and kindness
When I felt lost, and not sure what to do it reminds us
That there is no love like this, the one between mother and child
Whether first born, or fifth born, it's consuming and wild
It's natural, effortless, surprising, reassuring, comforting, and more
But to know she feels it, knows it, and expresses it too I must implore
To every parent, no matter how dark things may seem never give up
With love anything is possible, it is everyone's saviour, but you must also fill up your cup
Take time to nurture yourself, to be able to show up with such a big heart full
Of love, that never judges, only tries to understand, never let it lull
When the light of your love capacity beams into your conscientiousness in a present moment
Tune in, embrace it, let it guide you to wherever is needed, it's a component
That you can never be without in any parenting experience, whenever you are needed
Love is a power so strong beyond any other muscle in your body it's seeded
In your very being, a core part of you, a seed that must be acknowledged, discovered, and found
I know some of you don't know it yet, but trust me it's there, the feeling is profound
It takes a variety of moments to realise that your love is felt
A knowing look, an accepting smile, a letter from a loved one spelt
Reams of feelings line by line that brings forth a tear
A tear of relief, grounded in the moment, and sheer
Joy! An important note to read again and again
Digest it, accept it, and feel it, a moment of zen
In my daughters words 'I love you so so so much to the moon and back,
To the farthest star there is, and all around every existing universe!' stack
It into your heart, stack the love layer by layer, over and over, breathe it in
Know that all the kindness, patience, and willingness to learn within
Never doubt that your efforts to understand all they experience in the world
will go unfelt or unseen, unheard, or unearthed, let it all become unfurled
Open, surrender, lean in, step back, listen, deeply listen
To the instinctual vibe that unwaveringly will glisten
From me to you
Believe in you