Bespoke wellness for your team
Replenish your team, keep them energised, grounded, and focused
I have created a programme called Cultivate & Grow - a bespoke wellness journey for those who care for the world we live in, and the people in it. They're used to sharing, giving, supporting and helping but what can we give them in return. It's important not to put effort into a one off wellbeing day or week, and instead inspire ownership of self-care pauses that take place in everyday. Ensure your team knows how to regulate and replenish their energy. Message me direct to tailor a bespoke programme for your company; clairebetterwellbeing@gmail.com
I started out as a Beauty Therapist, and have spent time with others in the industry. I've witnessed many give so much to others - their time, care, creativity, and attention but at some point they all burn out in their own way, and I'd love to prevent such an occurrence. We are all human and we all deserve to be nurtured not depleted. This is just one industry but it happens in all!
The name of the programme is called Cultivate & Grow which is inspired by a buttercup field I walk in each day, in one moment it is an abundant field of lush green grass, and an abundance of buttercups. The next moment there are additional elements - sheep, the flock who eat all the buttercups and grass! The land is bare, stripped dry, and golden. Then the cycle of growth restarts with shoots of green popping through.
For your team to flourish year on year, they need to be nurtured to cultivate and achieve growth both personally and professionally.
Take time to restore, replenish, reseed, and the magic will follow
I have been exploring the concept of bespoke most deeply as an aromatherapist where I blend with intuition, create skincare from scratch for the individual, so bespoke that I even wrote their name on the label!
So here I introduce you to bespoke wellness plans for you, and your team as individuals so that you can feed into the team more wholly.
Bespoke wellness programmes could include;
Wellness consultations for each employee - taking the time to deeply understand your teams needs can only be done with a conversation focused on the topic of wellbeing. The art of questioning and deep listening is one of my top skills and as a result the programme will be designed to meet the desired outcomes. It will be life changing for your team, and your business success.
Bespoke meditations that include their name and are themed for them - When a meditation includes your name it provides a stronger focus and shift towards a positive outcome. To follow a pathway that is tailored to you rather than generic is more thoughtful for the employee, and more powerful for what they go on to create in business.
Self care guidance that includes their name and are themed for them - a follow up that continues to be tailored
Bespoke aromatherapy blends created for them with their name on the label - having products that contain the ingredients to support their needs again increases positive outcomes. In certain situations I will be able to guide them to make their own self-care products!
LIVE meditations for your community, customers, clients that threads in your messaging, vision & product knowledge - share with your community and build rapport and engagement.
Tailor your sales pitch to one infused with wellbeing - I've even brought wellness to the communications on each and every product in a range for Pukka Herbs, Dermalogica & Gaia Skincare. How you adapt to who you're speaking to is key ton successful sales in my experience.
Remember, it's a bespoke service and product so the world is your oyster, let's create it together!
If you'd like to consider my support for the wellness of the people in your business then reach out and I will provide a sample of the work to see if it aligns to your vision.
Claire has worked with many teams in all of her career steps to nurture the wellbeing of her colleagues. When she began to run things freelance she brought her approach to the teams at Electric Square throughout the UK, Malta & Singapore to bring wellness to their creative days. Plus, ran a two-part aromatherapy workshop within the Forest School lessons and holds a weekly after school club at Ditchling Primary School.
All testimonials for the school can be seen on Instagram @thebetterwellbeingclub
"The wellbeing sessions have been an absolute lifeline for my child recently and we are so grateful. Claire's gentle and positive approach, meeting our son where he is at each session and adjusting to his mood and energy levels has meant he is able to engage in activities I would never have imagined he'd feel okay to do otherwise. Claire is incredibly attuned and sensitive to what each child needs and I see my child seeming lighter and brighter after a wellbeing session. Being able to make his own aromatherapy products has not only provided him with a mental health first aid kit but also a great sense of achievement and self-confidence in his abilities to learn about his needs and create something truly bespoke that helps him. Thank you Claire for all the love and effort you put into this work. You are changing lives!Our son says he can't imagine even going into school if he didn't have these sessions!" Year 5 student
"Thank you for your brilliant sessions; we have thoroughly enjoyed having you back to support us with our wellbeing week again!" Electric Square (Claire has run 4 sessions in two years)